Latest publication updates
- Fast integer multiplication using generalized Fermat primes, S. Covanov, E. Thomé.
- Recent progress on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, S. Galbraith, P. Gaudry.
- Better polynomials for GNFS, S. Bai, C. Bouvier, A. Kruppa, P. Zimmermann.
- The Tower Number Field Sieve, R. Barbulescu, P. Gaudry, T. Kleinjung.
- Computing Jacobi's $\theta$ in quasi-linear time, .
- Sparse Polynomial Systems with many Positive Solutions from Bipartite Simplicial Complexes, F. Bihan, P.-J. Spaenlehauer.
- Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice, D. Adrian, K. Bhargavan, Z. Durumeric, P. Gaudry, M. Green, J.A. Halderman, N. Heninger, D. Springall, E. Thomé, L. Valenta, B. Vandersloot, E. Wustrow, S. Zanella-Béguelin, P. Zimmermann.
- Hardware and Software Accelerators for Sparse Linear Algebra over Finite Fields, H. Jeljeli.
- Interactive certificate for the verification of Wiedemann's Krylov sequence: application to the certification of the determinant, the minimal and the characteristic polynomials of sparse matrices, J.-G. Dumas, E. Kaltofen, E. Thomé.
- Algorithms for integer factorization and discrete logarithms computation, C. Bouvier.
- Crack me, I'm famous!: Cracking weak passphrases using freely available sources, H. Labrande.
- Improving NFS for the discrete logarithm problem in non-prime finite fields, R. Barbulescu, P. Gaudry, A. Guillevic, F. Morain.
- Selecting polynomials for the Function Field Sieve, R. Barbulescu.
- A Quadratically Convergent Algorithm for Structured Low-Rank Approximation, É. Schost, P.-J. Spaenlehauer.
- Isogeny graphs with maximal real multiplication, S. Ionica, E. Thomé.
- Computing (l,l)-isogenies in polynomial time on Jacobians of genus 2 curves, R. Cosset, D. Robert.
- Root optimization of polynomials in the number field sieve, S. Bai, R. Brent, E. Thomé.
- January 2016: The CARAMBA team is a follow-up to CARAMEL. The new web site is here.
- May 2015: The Logjam attack concerns 8% of the web. See the article. For this work, we got a Pwnie Award and the Best Paper Award at the CCS 2015 conference.
- February 2015: the article Better polynomials for GNFS has been accepted to Math. Comp. This new algorithm reduces by a factor 2 the runtime estimates for RSA-1024.
- November 2014: Razvan Barbulescu received the award ``Prix Le Monde de la recherche universitaire'' for his PhD thesis prepared in the team.
- November 2014: Emmanuel Thomé received the award ``Prix régional du chercheur''.
- June 24th, 2014: New record for discrete logarithm in a finite field of the form GF(p^2).
- June 11th, 2014: New record for discrete logarithm in a prime finite field of 180 decimal digits.
- Mar 29th, 2014: cmh-1.0 has been released, and a new record of genus 2 class polynomials has been set.
- Jan 13th, 2014: belenios-0.1 (online voting system) has been released.
- Nov 18th, 2013: cado-nfs-2.0 has been released.
- June 18th, 2013: A new quasi-polynomial algorithm for the DLP over small characteristic finite fields.
- June 6th, 2013: A new book about Sage has just appeared; Paul Zimmermann is one of the co-authors.
- April 10th, 2013 : New record for discrete logarithm in finite field of characteristic 2: GF(2^809).
- October 23rd, 2012 : P. Gaudry, E. Thomé, P. Zimmermann and A. Kruppa have received the Prix La Recherche 2012.
- September 26th, 2012 : Marion Videau is on France 3 Lorraine TV.
- June 30th, 2012: RSA-704 was factored by S. Bai, E. Thomé and P. Zimmermann using CADO-NFS.
- June 2012: The CATREL ANR project has just been accepted!
- June 22nd, 2012: We organize a scientific day of the Fédération Charles Hermite about Cryptography and Number Theory.
March 14th, 2012: gmp-ecm-6.4.1
has been released.
It includes improvements based on the article written by Razvan Barbulescu, Joppe Bos, Cyril Bouvier, Thorsten Kleinjung, Peter Montgomery. - Oct 28th, 2011: cado-nfs-1.1 has been released.
- September 19-21, 2011: ECC in Nancy.
- Jul 27th, 2011: Damien Robert received the IAEM award for his PhD thesis.
- Dec 10th, 2010: cado-nfs-1.0 has been released.
- Nov 22nd, 2010: gf2x-1.0 has been released.
- July 19-23, 2010 : ANTS IX in Nancy.
- April 8, 2010: Emmanuel Thomé received an award at the Grid'5000 Spring School 2010 in Lille
- March 27, 2010: a 54-digit factor of F12 has been found with GMP-ECM
- December 12, 2009: RSA-768 challenge has been solved!
Last modification: Mon 01 Feb 2016 10:50:19 PM CET
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